Editing House

Customer was moving to a new building and upgrading their NAS at the same time. With the majority of their footage now being shot in 4k they opted to go with a 200TB EditShare appliance which of course runs on 10GbE. Now running fibre in the building was going to be expensive and there was already a cat 7A run from the previous tenants so we opted to go with 10GbE to edit suites. As 10GbE switches were still at a high price point we opted to go for a Netgear ProSAFE Smart Managed XS712T which offered 12 10GbE ports at an affordable price. Couple that with thunderbolt 2 10GbE Adaptors and we were able to pull 1GB per second from the NAS letting multiple edit suites use 4k footage from the same NAS with no slow downs.